Save 15 years with these 33 questions​

You know my opinion about real estate. 

I assume that very well. 

If not... here you are. 

No business has made more millionaires than Real Estate

No one. 

So, I’m not going to give you too many details about the course. 

You don’t need it.

The title is self-explanatory. 

I wished that I knew the answers to those 33 questions when I started in the Real Estate business around 15 years ago. 

If only… if only I knew those answers. 

I could have saved thousands of hours resolving stupid and totally avoidable mistakes. 

I could have saved thousands and thousands of dollars and euros in those mistakes and lost opportunities.

I could have saved my future hair implant for all the suffering that those mistakes caused me. 

I’m telling you something. 

When I started, I would have paid thousands of euros for the information in that course. 

No matter the accent of the guy, the name of the guy or where the guy was living. 


If you are serious about making money in real estate. 

If you are in your first, second or maybe third investment. 

This course is for you. 


Unless you want to be the always wannabe investor, of course. Then, don’t buy, it’ll be a waste. For you and for me, because I want feedback on what was useful for you and how you saved money in your projects.

And if you are already a pro… well, you know that information is power and I’m sure that you have already paid for good information and services, right?

The price of the course is a tiny fraction of what you can save and make out of it. 

You and I know that. 

It’s impossible than in almost 3 hours of audio, talking to someone with more than 100 real estate projects, you can’t get something interesting and valuable out of it. New perspective, ideas, and so on. 


Questions you might be asking yourself

What does the course contain?

Almost three hours of audio where I answer each of the 33 most frequent questions that I have received from students from other courses, investors and people that contact me through my social media channels / newsletter. 

No theory. No charts. Just common sense condensed in verbal answers that I would give to anyone I coach on 1:1. 

Terrible Spanish accents. 

Lots of Umm, Ehhhs... things like that. 

If any of these things is a problem for you, please don't buy the course. 

The price seems high to me

If that's what you think, you're right, and it makes no sense for you to hire this course.

The price seems low to me

You are right, investing a few dollars that can be translate into thousands, it’s a piece of cake. I’ll reconsider it. 

As I say, if you want to make a million in real estate, but you’re hesitant to pay a few dollars for good advice, you’re not being serious. 

But my case is very particular / My city, my country, my planet and their laws and regulations are different / My niche is very specific / My time is very limited 

Of course.

Do you provide invoices?

I don't answer the obvious.

How does it work? How do I sign up?

You pay.

You enter your information.

You receive an invoice.

You receive an email with instructions to log in the platform where you can access the course.

I'm an entrepreneur / CEO / private/ director of sales / manager / project manager / salesperson / realtor / bodybuilder / koala/ kiwi / platypus... Is it suitable for me?

It's suitable for anyone who wants to make money through real estate. No matter where you are, live, bark, or whatever.

I have another course / subscription, is it worth having both?

It depends. If the other one is good, yes; if not, no.

Will you give any discounts?

No. The current price to join the community can only go higher. Black Fridays, Christmas, etc. are perfect dates to raise the price.

Can I ask you questions?

Given the ridiculous price, this course comes with no support. I have other courses that come with support. 

Any doubts?

This page is so good, and everything is so well explained that I won't answer questions.

If you don't want to buy it, don't do it. If you want to buy it, do it here.

Enroll now and start leaning

  1. The 33 most frequent questions in Real Estate Flipping

If you are serious about Real Estate, this is for you

  • $99.90
  • 3 hours of video content